Some of the Stories

By John Hertz

Great in several ways,
Like-minded among many,
Yet sharp-eyed (mostly),
Energetic — but Quis nar-
Rabit narrantem?  

Happy anniversary to File 770.

Are we doing our part to help Glyer keep wind in the sails?  Are you?

File 770 is still called “Mike Glyer’s News of SF Fandom”.

So far as I know there’s no staff of mild-mannered (or other) reporters for this great metropolitan newszine.  Just Glyer, and us.

He has a nose for news and sometimes finds things.  But why should he have to do all the work?

If you’re one of the folks whose names appear at the bottom of the day’s Pixel Scroll, with Glyer’s thanks for some of the stories, thanks from the rest of us too.

If you aren’t – the great Catholic priest and comedian Ronald Knox once answered a correspondent “You say that you are no philosopher; well, why not become one?”

Or as I sometimes say – though I’m not a Catholic priest, anyhow – try it, you might like it.

I’ve written about diversity, doors (one, anyhow), and deaths; birthdays and books; clubs and conventions; friends and fanzines.

What might you do?

That Latin up there is “Who shall narrate to the narrator?”

Another comedian, James Thurber – who was also not a Catholic priest – and who, alas, didn’t live to see Alex Panshin’s book The Thurb Revolution – said “I have done nothing but make fun of weakness and folly; wisdom, strength, goodness have never been my subjects.”

You can do things his way or not.  Freedom, it’s wonderful.

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3 thoughts on “Some of the Stories

  1. My contributions to File 770 wax and wane, but it’s always fun to see my name in the end-of-scroll credits. OGH is also an astute editor when it comes to deciding whether something should be reported here.

    Thanks for providing this place, Mike!

  2. I’ve been adding the last year or so. And John – none of us will ever get to read the unwritten novel by Panshin (he told me editors didn’t want it, years back), The Galactic Pantograph.

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