Space Exploration Unconference
Coming to San Diego

The San Diego Space Society invites interested people to help design SpaceUp, the world’s first space exploration unconference. Leading the list of things to be done is picking a date for the event in the late February/early March 2010 range.

Participants will decide the meeting’s topics, schedule, and structure. Everyone who attends SpaceUp is encouraged to give a talk, moderate a panel, or start a discussion. Sessions are proposed and scheduled on the day they’re given – (so, even more last-minute than the Loscon program — and I didn’t think that was possible!) Attendance will be capped at 200.

The organizers include Chris Radcliff, author, technology speaker, and frequent unconference participant; Jesse Clark, founder of the San Diego Space Society who previously worked for NASA; Jeff Berkwits, a freelance writer and publicist, Hugo-nominated editor of Amazing Stories; Edward O’Connor and Patrick Crowley who helped organize BarCamp San Diego unconferences; and members of the San Diego Space Society, a chapter of the National Space Society.

Further information on SpaceUp is available at, via the SpaceUp Twitter feed , or on the SpaceUp Facebook page.

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