TAFF Looking for Candidates

The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund (TAFF)  was created in 1953 for the purpose of providing funds to bring well-known and popular science fiction fans familiar to those on both sides of the ocean across the Atlantic.

European TAFF administrator Nina Horvath announced at Europa SF they are seeking candidates for the next race:

The next candidate will be from Europe and will hopefully attend MidAmericon II in Kansas City in August 2016. The nomination period is open now and will end on midnight (GMT), on the 11th of December. The chairs of the next two Worldcons have agreed to provide accommodation and membership for their conventions and we humbly thank them for doing so. This now means that we are asking you, the fannish community, to find some really great TAFF candidates for the next race.

Talk to us (Jim, Curt and myself) about potential candidates (or if you want to stand yourself!) and we’ll help you organize nominators and TAFF platforms or answer any questions about the TAFF.

Our e-mails:

  • Jim Mowatt: jim[at]umor.co.uk
  • Curt Phillips: absarka_prime[at]comcast.net
  • Nina Horvath: nina[at]ninahorvath.at

To repeat, the deadline to file as a TAFF candidate is December 11. Rules and resources available here.

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