The Complete Yeti

By SF Concatenation’s Jonathan Cowie: The idea of hairy, ape-like creatures roaming around the Himalayas has been around for centuries. But could the yeti actually be real? The BBC Radio 4 Yeti series has now been fully aired and all ten episodes are available for download (without a BBC Sounds account which is good news for those diligently keeping a light personal digital footprint).

Now, I am not a huge one for Fortean documentaries as these are largely woo-woo. However, as a bioscientist, cryptobiology has a certain appeal. For example, the coelacanth anyone? This series certainly grabbed me, but then I am a sucker having the moral fibre with the breaking strain of a chocolate Mars Milky Way bar.

In this series, two adventurers delve deep into the myth, legend and reality of the mysterious creature that is said to roam the Himalayas. Andrew Benfield and Richard Horsey travel across the mountain range searching for evidence that the yeti might actually exist.

What they really need is a sample to DNA test…

Each episode is about 25 minutes long.

No spoiler, but one set of DNA found turned out to be Peter Cushing’s.

Or did it…? Rod Serling says ‘Hi’ from the Twilight Zone…

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2 thoughts on “The Complete Yeti

  1. Pingback: AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: August 6, 2023 - Amazing Stories

  2. I’d love it to be Gigantopithecus, but it’s probably (if anything at all) a bear.

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