Tonopah Wins 2021 Westercon Site Selection

Kevin Standlee posted the unofficial 2021 Westercon Site Selection vote count, showing the Tonopah bid strongly outpolled Phoenix for the right to host Westercon 74. The results were to become official once accepted by today’s Westercon business meeting at Spikecon.

The unofficial pending results were Tonopah 82, Phoenix 51, Write-ins 1. That’s 134 votes with preference, so 67 votes (a majority) were needed to win. In addition, there were 6 No Preference (abstention) votes that do not count toward the total for the purpose of determining a majority.

The Tonopah bid leadership team is Kevin Standlee, Lisa Hayes, and Kuma Bear. The guests of honor have not yet been posted online (if, indeed, they have been announced). The bid website is here.

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10 thoughts on “Tonopah Wins 2021 Westercon Site Selection

  1. After all the hard work they’ve done, and all the crap they had to put up with (both from within fandom and without), this is really nice to see. It looks as though this Westercon will be fun, and I wish that I could go.

  2. Congrats to Tonopah and the bid team, especially after the uproar earlier.

    For geographic reasons, I am highly unlikely to attend this Westercon, but I hope they’ll have a lovely convention.

  3. Okay. I know what I’m doing over the 4th of July weekend in 2021. Tonopah is a reasonable drive for me.

  4. As we said during the campaign, “we do not anticipate having traditional Guests of Honor.”

    Progress Report Zero is available for download from the convention’s web page.

    Online registration is available now, except that the $10 upgrade from voting to attending is pending loading the voter information to the database. (We are, I hope people understand, rather busy right now at SpikeCon selling memberships in person. As of our thank-you party on Saturday evening, roughly 80 of the 139 voters have already converted to attending in person.)

    Membership rates are good through at least the end of 2019.

  5. Kevin Standlee: Although I read “we do not anticipate having traditional Guests of Honor” I did not take it to mean “we do not anticipate having Guests of Honor.” Is that what it means?

  6. To me, “traditional Guests of Honor,” means, “Guests funded by the convention.” We are open to the prospect of Guests funded by outside sponsorship. The convention is keeping the costs down and devoting a higher-than-recently-traditional proportion of the members’ money toward convention hospitality functions.

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