Top 10 Posts For November 2009

Fans’ many comments about Worldcons, megacons, and the future of a fandom focused on written sf, lifted “Sowing Dragon’s Teeth” to the top of this month’s poll.

And a remarkable number of people read File 770‘s coverage of Joe Haldeman’s hospitalization and slow recovery after James Nicoll posted the tag on his LiveJournal.

Here are the Top 10 most frequently viewed posts for November 2009 according to Google Analytics.

1. Sowing Dragon’s Teeth
2. Joe Haldeman (tag)
3. Kowal To Edit Hugo Showcase Series
4. Ken Krueger Dies
5. Worldcon (tag)
6. Carla Laemmle Celebrates 100
7. Alice’s Own Copy of Carroll To Auction
8. John Cleese’s Alimony Tour
9. Kare A Winner at Space Elevator Games
10. Berry Wins Smofcon Scholarship

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