Top 10 Posts For October 2010

We interrupted our regular coverage of Hugo Awards and Australian camels for a news flash about WisCon’s cancellation of Elizabeth Moon as GoH. A many-sided discussion proceeded at a furious pace, then strangely dissipated into a cozy chat roasting George Bush. (I wonder if this is a corollary to Godwin’s Law for the 21st century.)

The surprising thing is that there were any readers still hanging around after I declared a strong preference for Doomsday Book over A Fire Upon the Deep, the two novels that tied for the 1993 Hugo (see #4 below).

Here are the Top 10 most frequently viewed posts from October 2010, according to Google Analytics.

1. SF3 Cancels Elizabeth Moon as WisCon GoH
2. Moon, WisCon Covered in Mundane Press
3. Hole New Issue
4. Ties for the Best Novel Hugo
5. Overserved at The Drink Tank?
6. David Brin: AboutSF Wants Help
7. Australia’s Camel Problem and Alternate History
8. New Ansible E-List
9. Grumbles From the Graveur
10. Amazon Invents the Novella

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