Worldcon 75 Adds Two Vice Chairs

Worldcon 75 Convention Chair Jukka Halme has appointed two Vice Chairs to assist him, Karoliina Leikomaa and Colette H. Fozard.

The online bios of the two new Vice Chairs show they have a wealth of conrunning experience.

Karo Leikomaa

Karo Leikomaa

Karo Leikomaa has been organising events since the late 90s. Since 2008 Karo has been on the committee for several Finncons, in roles such as Vice Chair, Finance, Venue and Logistics, Gophers and Security, and GoH Liaison. She has chaired three Tampere Kuplii Comic Book Festivals and one Åcon. Karo worked for several conventions every year in Finland before moving to London, UK, in 2014. She has been active in Soroptimists International Finland since 2011. She is currently studying towards her MA at University College London.


Colette H. Fozard

Colette H. Fozard

Colette H. Fozard has been helping to keep SF and anime conventions running for over twenty years. She has served as Convention Chair or other senior staff of several US East Coast cons including Arisia, Balticon, MAGFest and Zenkaikon, as well as many others. Her love of working at conventions has blossomed into a professional career in event planning. She is the Director of Operations for the Sakura Matsuri – Japanese Street Festival in Washington, DC each spring – the largest one-day celebration of Japanese Culture in the United States. She also serves as venue liaison for several other clients.

Worldcon 75 started out with three co-chairs, Jukka Halme, Saija Aro, and Crystal Huff. Aro resigned in May 2016 and Huff resigned in November 2016.

The Helsinki committee has also announced their next rate rise is at the end of January. Adult attending rates will increase from €145 to €170, and Youth rates from €90 to €100.

[Thanks to JJ for the story.]

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11 thoughts on “Worldcon 75 Adds Two Vice Chairs

  1. JJ: I keep forgetting that FB will send you to a site using a URL that’s all f*** up

  2. It looks like it might be Tintin, le journal des jeunes de 7 a 77 ans from the 1950s.

    (Get the full title in there.)

  3. I also suspect they’re covers of the serialized Tintin magazine. It was a sort of anthology comic, containing an installment of the latest Tintin adventure and installments of other comics, including such Franco-Belgian classics as Blake and Mortimer, Michel Vaillant, Corentin, Alix, Luc Orient, Thorgal, Dan Cooper and of course, Suske en Wiske (a.k.a. Bob and Bobette a.k.a. Spike and Suzy)

  4. It is unfathomable to me that Worldcon75 posts all of their news on Facebook and Twitter, but does not have a “News” tab on their website where these items are posted as well.

    It seems like a very self-defeating form of social media myopia.

  5. “It is unfathomable to me that Worldcon75 posts all of their news on Facebook and Twitter, but does not have a “News” tab on their website where these items are posted as well.”

    They do have a blog, but only two entries. :/

  6. Two chairs for vice? Well! Looks like confirmation of all those stories about how immoral the Scandinavian countries are…

  7. We need either less vice or more opportunity to share in it; they appear to have taken the second option (which will no doubt make people happy).


  8. I also suspect they’re covers of the serialized Tintin magazine.

    If there are enough of them, all I can say is, “There’s a book waiting to happen.”

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