Worldcon 75 Approaches the Starting Gate

  • Not exactly a secret:

  • Program decisions

  • Filer Greg Machlin

  • Convention registration

  • Say it ainโ€™t so, Joe!

  • Nap time already?

  • No, you may not. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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6 thoughts on “Worldcon 75 Approaches the Starting Gate

  1. Cool! ๐Ÿ˜€ I love seeing these, and I’ll be over to register soon

    “Here we are! Come up to us and get your badge! :)” is confusing since I didn’t go last night, based on Worldcon telling me not to go. They’d e-mailed members recently to say they were only doing staff, vendors, and the like on Tuesday. I should’ve kept up with File 770 to know I could’ve gone after all. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Or maybe I missed a follow-up e-mail. (I don’t use Twitter; yes, I realize it’s a moral failing on my part. ๐Ÿ˜› )

  2. I’m at the convention a little sporadically, but I made it this morning, and managed to spot Greg Hullander and Eric Wong right away. We sat down and chatted and it was fantastic ๐Ÿ˜€
    Somewhere along the way, I found myself discussing 3SV with George R.R. Martin…

    Sadly, I was called back to base by wife just a little bit before the Filer meetup. I did get a chance to say hi to Hampus — hi Hampus! — very very quickly; I hope to remedy that and meet y’all tomorrow at the bar meet tomorrow.

    And once I’d left, gotten home, and we made our way to a kosher cafe. After hearing a bit about the Jewish community in Helsinki from the proprietress, in comes somebody looking very familiar… “Is that Ted Chiang? I’m pretty sure that’s Ted Chiang…” Yes, it was Ted Chiang, who was both kind and engaging. (I have a strong aversion to talking to any kind of celebrity, on the general assumption that I’m a lot more interested in anything they have to say than the other way around. Chiang was so sweet and said, “That’s fine, we can talk if you want to talk and not talk if you don’t want to,” which is a lot more than I can imagine myself capable of if I found myself running into inarticulate strangers when I’d ducked into the most unassuming cafe imaginable. He was also happy to talk about Arrival, one of his primary takeaways being, “The more I learn about filmmaking, the more I realize how lucky we were.”)

    So, a fantastic WorldCon opener, on a day I wasn’t even expecting to attend ๐Ÿ™‚

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