2009 FAAn Award Winners

The 2009 Fanzine Activity Achievement (FAAn) Award winners were announced during the Corflu Zed banquet on March 15. The winners are:

Best Fanzine: eI, edited by Earl Kemp
Best Fan Writer: Bruce Gillespie
Best Fan Artist: Dan Steffan
Best Letterhack: Lloyd Penney
Best Online Fanac Site: eFanzines.com
Best New Fanzine Fan: (tie) Jean Martin (SF/SF) and Kat Templeton (retstak.org)

Awards administrator Hal O’Brien said 36 ballots were cast. A beautiful award plaque designed by Ulrika O’Brien was given to the winners: when a photo is posted online I will add a link.

Update 3/16/2009: Filled in the Best New Fanzine Fan winners, courtesy of Peter Sullivan. Update 3/17/2009: Corrected title of SF/SF.

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19 thoughts on “2009 FAAn Award Winners

  1. Pingback: SciFi Channel Changes Name | The Crotchety Old Fan

  2. Best new fan was a tie between Jean Martin of SFinSF and Kat Templeton of retstak.org

  3. Pingback: Science Fiction Awards Watch » Blog Archive » FAAn Awards

  4. I should have come here first. Because of things taking far too long yesterday, I did not get a chance to join in with the fanchat on the virtual con suite channel. I didn’t get an inkling of what hap happened until this morning finding a congratulatory e-mail from Mike Kennedy of the NASFA Shuttle.


  5. The news was all posted here, Mike. And, of course, live at the live online video/audio/chat online con, where we followed all the program items, and the con suite, live the whole weekend, on two feeds. Missed seeing you!

    And we wondered what happened to you on Sunday, Lloyd. Congrats.

  6. So many websites, journals and blogs, so little time, and so little memory to remember them all. I had a committee meeting and a birthday party, and far less time when we expected to have. Many thanks, Gary, and thanks to the 36 who participated in the vote. I hope you will all have lots more company next year.


  7. Peter: Thanks for posting the info in a comment. That was a big help, because I can’t access my blog from work. I was rather sorry not to have made a complete list.

  8. Well, I should note that my website isn’t the only thing I do. I’m a member of eAPA and I’ve been a semi-regular denizen of various incarnations of the virtual fanzine lounge.

    As I’ve said elsewhere, I’m shocked and honored that this happened, because I fully didn’t expect it, but I guess that’s what makes it all the more awesome.


  9. The award was quite unexpected. Thanks to all who voted for me! I’m so honored to be recognized by my fanzine peers! BTW, it’s SF/SF not SFinSF. There’s another organization here in the Bay Area that goes by SFinSF so I try to make the distinction when I can.

    And congratulations to all the other winners!

  10. In Best New Fanzine Fan: (tie), it should actually be Jean Martin (SF/SF) rather than (SFinSF). (It’s short for Science Fiction/San Francisco.)

  11. Yes, Gary, it does, but there’s a difference between Geri liveblogging the event and full results being posted. Yes, they’re in the same place, and while not wholly coincidental it doesn’t necessarily follow from Geri’s earlier coverage.

    “That new house on the far hilltop–can you see what color they’ve painted it?”
    “It’s white on this side.”

    As the Administrator, I feel an obligation to be in Fair Witness mode.

  12. Thanks Hal, Randy and Gary for the links. I’m delighted Jean and Kat saw they have been added to the list of winners. And thanks to David for the copyedit.

    Also, Hal’s right — I have the site set to require approval of the first message posted by a user, and messages with multiple links. The latter may not really be necessary, but in the very beginning I wanted to avoid leaving the barn door open in case an approved message turned out to be spam.

  13. “As the Administrator, I feel an obligation to be in Fair Witness mode.”

    And a fine thing that was. Alas that the job doesn’t pay as well as RAH apparently antcipated it would.

    Seriously, all best to you and Ulrika, and it was a delight to have what limited contact we did via the audio/visual aspect of Corflu Seattle. I truly enjoyed it and appreciated you and Ulrika spending what time and effort you did to keep the animals fed. Applause and credit to you for your efforts. Thanks.

  14. Just to report that we kept transcripts of what was going on in the Corflu chat rooms over the weekend. As I’m not 100% sure everybody realised that we were logging, I’m not going to publish them on a web-page or any other kind of public forum. But, if any interested fan wants to know what we were saying about them see it, I’ll happily e-mail a copy of the transcript. ceemage “at” livejournal.com will reach me. Fair warning: the total transcript is 18,500 lines and almost 180,000 words…

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