2010 Sidewise Award Nominees

The nominees for the 2010 Sidewise Award for Alternate History are:

Short Form 

  • Paul Di Filippo, “Yes, We Have No Bananas,” Eclipse No. 3, edited by Jonathan Strahan, Night Shade Books
  • Alastair Reynolds, “The Fixation,” The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume 3, edited by George Mann, Solaris
  • Chris Roberson, “Edison’s Frankenstein,” Postscripts 20/21
  • Bruce Sterling, “Black Swan,” Interzone (April 2009)
  • Sarah Zettel, “The Persistence of Souls,” The Shadow Conspiracy, edited by Phyllis Irene Radford & Laura Anne Gilman, Book View Café 
  • Long Form 

  • Robert Conroy, 1942, Ballantine
  • The Sidewise Awards have been presented annually since 1995 to recognize excellence in alternate historical fiction.

    The winners will be announced at ReConStruction, this year’s NASFiC, in Raleigh, North Carolina during the weekend of August 5. Steven H Silver indicates in the press release that the lone nominee in the Long Form category doesn’t automatically take the award because it is still subject to a final vote by the judges in which “No Award” is an option.

    This year’s nominees were selected by panel of judges was made up of Stephen Baxter, Evelyn Leeper, Jim Rittenhouse, Stu Shiffman, Kurt Sidaway, and Steven H Silver.

    [Thanks to Steven H Silver for the story.]

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