2012 First Fandom Awards

My copy of First Fandom’s zine Scientifiction caught up with me and confirmed that all of the 2012 nominees for the group’s awards been voted in.

First Fandom Hall of Fame Award: Ray Bradbury, Larry Farsace, Claude Held, Jack Robins

First Fandom Posthumous Hall of Fame Award: Rusty Hevelin

Sam Moskowitz Archive Award: Donn Albright

Award plaques were made for each of the recipients, featuring a full-color adaptation of the classic Frank R. Paul design for scientifiction. Rusty Hevelin’s award was sent to his son, Bruce, in Union City, California. Donn Albright arranged for Ray’s award to be on display at the Bradbury Center.

Update 12/07/2012: Deleted reference to an announcement at Chicon, which was only my inference, and was not stated in the issue.

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