2015 Pegasus Awards

The winners of the 2015 Pegasus Awards for Excellence in Filk were announced at the Ohio Valley Filk Festival on October 24.

Best Time-Related Song
“Precious Moments,” Phil Allcock

Best Adapted Song
“Grabthar’s Silver Hammer,” Steve Macdonald

Best Writer/Composer
Cat Faber

Best Performer
Jeff & Maya Bohnhoff

Best Classic Filk Song
“Captain Jack and the Mermaid,” Meg Davis

Best Filk Song
“My Story Is Not Done,” Seanan McGuire

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2 thoughts on “2015 Pegasus Awards

  1. Congratulations to the winners!

    Filk as something people perform rather than just write is still newish to me, so I hope to see some of these people in person some day.

  2. @ Meredith

    If you’re interested in meeting filkers, I might be able to put you in touch with some in your area.

    @ Mike Glyer

    I’m okay with you forwarding my e-mail to Meredith, if you can get at it, and if Meredith consents.

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