2015 Prix Bob Morane

The winners of the Prix Bob Morane for 2015 have been announced. The selections were made by a jury of French professionals — writers, journalists, critics, collection curators.

The current members of the award jury are Stéphanie Alcésilas, Marc Bailly, Christophe Corthouts, René-Marc Dolhen, Michel Dufranne, Emmanuel Gob, Cathy Martin, Ricky Thomas and Alain Walsh.

The Prix Bob Morane is named for a fictional adventurer created by Belgian writer Henri Vernes in the 1950s.

French Novels

  • „Je suis ton ombre” (I am your shadow) by Morgane Caussarieu (Mnémos Press)

Translated Novels

  • „Nexus” by Ramez Naam (Presses de la cité)

Short Stories

  • „L’Opéra de Shaya” (Shaya’s Opera) by Sylvie Lainé  (ActuSF editions)


  • „Clameurs – Portraits voltés” (La Volte Press) – A book of interviews with French sf writers

Other French awards announced at the same time were:

The Prix de la Librairie L’Antre-Monde (Prize of the Lair-World Bookstore)

Readers Award

  • „Les Etoiles de Noss Head“ (vol.5) by Sophie Jomain (Rebelle Press)
  • „Animae” (vol.1,2,3) by Roxane Dambre (Livre de poche)

The Jury’s Award

  • „Martyrs” by Olivier Peru (J’ai lu)

The Lantre-Monde Librarie Award

  • „La Voie des Oracles” (The Way of the Oracles) by Estelle Faye (Scrinéo editions)
  • „Zombies” anthology from Griffe d’Encre Press.

[Via Europa SF.]

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