2015: The Box Score

Jetpack’s annual statistical report for File 770 (which you’re welcome to read) ranks the most prolific commenters of 2015.

  • JJ
  • Meredith
  • Peace Is My Middle Name
  • Aaron
  • Jim Henley

Thanks to them and every commenter for the important work all of you do here every day.

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28 thoughts on “2015: The Box Score

  1. Jim Henley:

    If those are in order you all know what that makes me, right?

    They are in order.

    (Great in-reference. Why didn’t I think of that?)

  2. Congratulations to JJ, Meredith, Peace Is My Middle Name*, Aaron, Jim Henley, and other File770 commenters. I’ve enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) reading your thoughts.

    *With a name like that, are you sure you’re not a Culture ship? A GSV?

    ETA: Many thanks to OGH Mike Glyer for being a terrific host.

  3. Oh my god, Soon Lee, how did I never think of PIMMN as a Culture ship?

    I am some combination of gratified, humbled, and wondering about the wisdom of my life choices. But man I love this place. 🙂

  4. Congrats to all, esp. JJ and Jim. 😉

    Also, it is so appropriate that File 770 has a Jetpack. We’re still waiting for them here in 5625.

  5. Hmmm… I suspect all the live-blogging from Sasquan had a bit to do with that First Fifth.

    Oh, damn — if it hadn’t been for that December 23rd post coming at 12:47am on the 24th, you’d have had at least one post every day this year. 😉

    Does it not list the number of views for the top-viewed posts as well?

  6. Jim Henley: I am some combination of gratified, humbled, and wondering about the wisdom of my life choices. But man I love this place. 🙂

    You expressed my feelings perfectly… although I think I would reverse the order of the first three. 😉

  7. @Soon Lee – Re.PiMMN

    *With a name like that, are you sure you’re not a Culture ship? A GSV?

    Surely more a ROU/ LOU?

    Congrats to all, and when the inevitable showdown appears, may the fifths be ever in your favor!

  8. JJ: My Jetpack counter shows me the views for all posts. Here are the stats for the top five posts of 2015:

    Sunday Business Meeting at Sasquan: 50,159
    Viewing the Remains of Bradbury’s Home: 48,697
    The All-Purpose Hugo Post: 44,314
    To Your Scattered Kennels Go 7/6: 41,986
    Talkin’ About The Puppies: 35,852

    There is a high count on the Sunday Business Meeting post because that’s where everyone went to talk before I came back and posted about the Sasquan ceremony.

  9. I notice that feedly is your 5th referrer, which is my favoured way of following sites, so I thought I’d add to the stats. Right now it’s showing 380 feedly followers for you. Of course, Scalzi shows 11,000, so you’re a little off the pace! More fairly, Black Gate are ahead with 444, Amazing Stories are behind with 208 (sorry Steve!), Ansible is a venerable 692, Madgeniusclub are 165, and VD is at 1,000 (but being 9% of Scalzi means nothing, nothing I tell you!). Doesn’t mean much, as it’s just one RSS service among many, but I thought it might amuse.
    (I don’t sub to all of those, you can just put them in to the feedly content search box and see the stats)

  10. Jim Henley on December 29, 2015 at 3:58 pm said:
    If those are in order you all know what that makes me, right?

    The winner of the internet? Congratulations.

    Jim Henley on December 29, 2015 at 4:36 pm said:
    Oh my god, Soon Lee, how did I never think of PIMMN as a Culture ship?

    I am some combination of gratified, humbled, and wondering about the wisdom of my life choices. But man I love this place. 🙂

    I’m in total agreement with the sentiments in the second paragraph.

    As for the first — Oddly enough, I haven’t read Banks.

  11. Yay Filers all \o/


    Break-taking chatty people unite! *flex*

    @Jim Henley

    I am some combination of gratified, humbled, and wondering about the wisdom of my life choices. But man I love this place. 🙂


  12. @Peace,
    As a fan of all his writing, SF & non-SF (written as Iain sans M. Banks), I envy your opportunity to read Banks for the first time.

    “Crow Road” (non-SF) has what’s probably my favourite opening sentence: “It was the day my grandmother exploded”

    For the SF (mainly Culture novels), “Player of Games” is probably the easiest entry to the series, though “Consider Phlebas”, the first published isn’t a bad one to start with either.

  13. Congrats to the top five and to all the contributers. I really enjoy hanging out with all of you and Mike is the perfect host.

  14. As one of the least prolific commenters of 2015, I’d also like to thank the most prolific, and Mike of course, not to mention the less prolific, who make this site such a joy to read.

  15. I wonder where robinareid would fall on the list if she hadn’t changed her screen name about midway through the year.

  16. @Peace is My Middle Name: I wonder where robinareid would fall on the list if she hadn’t changed her screen name about midway through the year.

    I suspect that I’d still be pretty far down because I was not posting much during the fall semester, sigh, although I kept reading because there are so many good posts. It was one of our toughest semesters — I’m hoping next term will be easier though I have five conferences in four months to prepare for and present at.

    I feel like tonight is the first time in a long time I’ve been able to hang out and post variously (we never go out on New Year’s for several reasons, including the fact that neighbors all around us in the country set off fireworks which makes the dogs unhappy, and are often a major fire risk though the record rainfall we’ve had this year makes that unlikely tonight)

  17. Thanks to all of you from another lurker. My TBR pile is healthy and strong because of all of you. Happy new year!

  18. Lenore Jones: Yours was the 124,000th comment made on this blog. As I recall, less than 10K comments were made here in the blog’s first eight years. Thanks to everyone who keeps the comment section blazing away!

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