2016 BSFA Awards Longlist

The British Science Fiction Association has opened the second round of BSFA Awards voting, which will reduce the longlist to a shortlist.

Members have until midnight January 31 to choose their shortlist from the collated nominations. The ballot is here. The longlist is here.


  • Naomi Alderman The Power (Viking)
  • Charlie Jane Anders All The Birds In The Sky (Titan Books)
  • Stephen Aryan Bloodmage (Orbit)
  • Stephen Baxter & Alastair Reynolds The Medusa Chronicles (Gollancz)
  • Chris Beckett Daughter of EdenI (Gollancz)
  • Elizabeth Bonesteel The Cold Between (Harper Voyager0
  • Gavin Chait Lament for the Fallen (Doubleday)
  • Becky Chambers A Closed and Common Orbit (Hodder & Stoughton)
  • Matthew de Abaitua The Destructives (Angry Robot)
  • Mark de Jager Infernal (Del Rey)
  • Daniel Godfrey New Pompeii (Titan Books)
  • Matt Hill Graft (Angry Robot)
  • Dave Hutchinson Europe in Winter (Solaris)
  • N. K. Jemisin The Fifth Season (Orbit)
  • Yoon Ha Lee Ninefox Gambit (Solaris)
  • Cixin Liu (translated by Ken Liu) Death’s End (Head of Zeus)
  • Paul McAuley Into Everywhere (Gollancz)
  • Alan Moore Jerusalem (Knockabout/Liveright)
  • Claire North The Sudden Appearance of Hope (Orbit)
  • Christopher Priest The Gradual (Gollancz)
  • Alastair Reynolds Revenger (Gollancz)
  • Al Robertson Waking Hell (Gollancz)
  • V. E. Schwab A Gathering Of Shadows (Titan Books)
  • Johanna Sinisalo (translated by Lola Rogers) The Core of the Sun         (Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press)
  • Charles Stross The Nightmare Stacks (Orbit)
  • Tricia Sullivan Occupy Me (Gollancz)
  • Steph Swainston Fair Rebel (Gollancz)
  • Adrian Tchaikovsky The Tiger and the Wolf (Pan)
  • Lavie Tidhar Central Station (Tachyon/PS Publishing)
  • Peter Tieryas United States of Japan (Angry Robot)
  • Simon Kurt Unsworth The Devil’s Evidence (Del Rey)
  • Ren Warom Escapology (Titan Books)
  • Colson Whitehead The Underground Railroad (Fleet)
  • Nick Wood Azanian Bridges (NewCon Press)


  • Vajra Chandrasekera “Applied Cenotaphics of the Long, Long Longitudes” (Strange Horizons)
  • Ian Creasey “No Strangers Any More” (Analog July/August 2016)
  • Ian Creasey “The Language of Flowers” (Analog May/June 2016)
  • Claire Dean “Is-and (Dead Letters ed. Conrad Williams, Titan Books)
  • Malcolm Devlin “The End of Hope Street” (Interzone #266)
  • Jaine Fenn “Liberty Bird” (Now We Are Ten, ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press)
  • Dan Grace “Winter” (Unsung Stories)
  • Caroline Grebbell “Model Organisms” (Shoreline of Infinity #4)
  • Peter Haynes “Build a Cat” (Unsung Stories)
  • Kij Johnson “The Dream Quest of Vellit Boe” (Tor.com)
  • Carole Johnstone “Wetwork” (Black Static #52)
  • Inés G. Labarta  “McTavish Manor” (Holland House)
  • Ian R. MacLeod “The Visitor from Taured” (Asimov’s 09/2016)
  • Paul McAuley “Elves of Antarctica” (Drowned Worlds,  ed. Jonathan Strahan, Solaris)
  • Una McCormack “Taking Flight” (Crises and Conflicts, ed. Ian Whates, NewCon Press)
  • China Miéville “This Census Taker” (Picador)
  • Helen Oyeyemi “Presence” (What Is Not Yours Is Not Nours, Picador)
  • Vaughan Stanger “Insider Art” (Abyss & Apex 58)
  • Bruce Sterling “Pirate Utopia” (Tachyon Publications)
  • Tade Thompson “The Apologists” (Interzone #266)
  • Sarah Tolmie “The Dancer on the Stairs” (Two Travelers, Aqueduct Press)
  • Susana Vallejo (translated by Lawrence Schimel) “Gracia” (Strange Horizons)
  • IanWatson “Himmler in the Barcelona Hallucination Cell” (Barcelona Tales NewCon Press)
  • Ian Watson “The Brain from Beyond” (PS Publishing)
  • Aliya Whiteley “The Arrival of Missives” (Unsung Stories)
  • Kai Ashante Wilson “A Taste of Honey” (St. Martin’s Press)


  • John Clute “Scores column, articles published in 2016” (Strange Horizons)
  • Rob Hansen THEN: Science Fiction Fandom in the UK 1930-1980 (Ansible Editions)
  • Erin Horakova “Boucher, Backbone and Blake: The Legacy of Blakes Seven” (Strange Horizons)
  • Paul Kincaid “This is Science Fiction?” (Los Angeles Review of Books)
  • Joel Lane This Spectacular Darkness: critical essays by Joel Lane ed. Mark Valentine & John Howard (Tartarus Press)
  • Michael Levy & Farah Mendelsohn Children’s Fantasy Literature: An Introduction (CUP)
  • Anna Macfarlane Breaking the Cycle of the Golden Age: Jack Glass and Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy (Adam Roberts: Critical Essays, Ed. Christos Callow Jr. & Anna Macfarlane, Gylphi)
  • Jonathan McCalmont Nothing Beside Remains: a History of the New Weird (Big Echo)
  • Paul Graham Raven “New Model Authors? Authority, Authordom, Anarchism and the Atomized Text in a Networked World” (Adam Roberts: Critical Essays, Ed. Christos Callow Jr. & Anna Macfarlane, Gylphi)
  • Geoff Ryman 100 African Writers of SFF (Tor.com)
  • Ann & Jeff VanderMeer “Introduction to The Big Book of Science Fiction” (Vintage)
  • Glen Weldon The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture (Simon & Schuster)


[Thanks to Mark-kitteh for the story.]

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