2016 Gaylactic Spectrum Awards

The winner and shortlist for the Gaylactic Spectrum Award’s Best Novel category were announced today at Gaylaxicon 2016.

The award honors outstanding works of science fiction, fantasy and horror which include significant positive explorations of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered characters, themes, or issues.



  • Luna: New Moon by Ian MacDonald


  • Planetfall by Emma Newman
  • Ebenezer by JoSelle Vanderhooft
  • My Real Children by Jo Walton
  • The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
  • Chaos Station by Jenn Burke and Kelly Jensen
  • Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear
  • The Mystic Marriage by Heather Rose Jones
  • The Bastard’s Paradise by Kathe Koja
  • Cherry Bomb by Kathleen Tierney

The 2016 Awards for Best Novel are for works first published in North America in 2015.

[Via Catherine Lundorff.]

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7 thoughts on “2016 Gaylactic Spectrum Awards

  1. Heather Rose! Congratulations! You’ve got a well-deserved membership in some pretty august company.

  2. Yes! I’m feeling really jazzed about it. (And Alpennia is two for two on the Spectrum shortlist now.) It doesn’t hurt that the Spectrums are the one award where my books are solidly in the target scope. I was also saved a great deal of angst because I didn’t realize they were being announced this weekend.

  3. Congrats, @Heather Rose Jones! 🙂 Also to the winner & other nominees, in particular Emma Newman and the writing team of Burke & Jensen.

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