2016 Geffen Awards

The winners of the 2016 Geffen Awards (Israel Speculative Fiction Awards) were announced at Icon in Israel on October 20. The results were livetweeted by Gili Bar-Hillel.

Best Original Short Story

  • “Requiem to Mathew” by Avial Tochterman

Best Original Novel

  • Lake of Shadows by Roni Gelbfish

Best Translated Fantasy Book

  • Fool’s Assassin by Robin Hobb, translated by Tzafrir Grosman (Opus Publishing)

Best Translated Science Fiction Book

  • Redshirts by John Scalzi, translated by Tzafrir Grosman (Opus Publishing)

Best Translated Young Adult Book

  • The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan, translated by Yael Achmon (Graf Publishing)

Many thanks to Standback for assisting with the English versions of those Hebrew names that could not be established through Twitter or the Wikipedia.

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