2017 Roswell Award Contest Taking Entries

Roswell Award logoEntries for The Roswell Award, sponsored by Sci-Fest LA, are being taken through March 3, 2017.

The Roswell Award was created to identify, encourage and promote up-and-coming science fiction writing talent among adults worldwide.

Entries must be original science fiction short stories (not plays), no longer than 1500 words, by a writer over the age of 18. The author of the winning entry will receive a cash prize of $500.

Sci-Fest L.A. and Light Bringer Project seek to identify and nurture new science fiction writing talent in all corners of the globe. Science fiction writing provides a unique opportunity for writers to develop the ideas and narratives that will shape the future of humanity from how we address pressing scientific, social, philosophical, and environmental issues to inspiring us to develop new technologies and explore outer space. And of course we’re excited to see stories that entertain. We are proud to be taking a leadership role in developing the next generation of science fiction writers.

Five finalists will have their stories read dramatically by celebrity guests in a special performance at LitFest Pasadena on Saturday, May 20, followed by an awards presentation. One winner will be chosen from the finalists.

Rules and submission guidelines are available at the event’s Facebook page.

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