2018 First Fandom Awards and Big Heart Award

By John Coker III: The 2018 First Fandom Awards and the Big Heart Award were presented during Opening Ceremonies at Worldcon76.  Steve Francis was the Master of Ceremonies.

Distinguished First Fandom member Erle M. Korshak presented the Hall of Fame Award to Robert Silverberg.

Robert Silverberg

Robert Silverberg has been a professional writer since 1955, the year before he graduated from Columbia University, and has published more than a hundred books and close to a thousand short stories.  He is a many-time winner of the Hugo and Nebula awards, was GoH at the Worldcon in Heidelberg, Germany in 1970, was named to the Science Fiction Hall of Fame in 1999, and in 2004 was named a Grand Master by the SFWA, of which he is a past president.  Silverberg was born in New York City, but he and his wife Karen and an assortment of cats have lived for many years in the San Francisco Bay Area.

John Hertz inducted Len and June Moffatt into the First Fandom Posthumous Hall of Fame, and the Award was accepted on their behalf by Bob Konigsberg.

Len and June Moffatt

Len and June Moffatt were longtime dedicated fans, SF and Mystery readers, authors, fanzine publishers, editors, correspondents, convention organizers and associate members of First Fandom.  They joined LASFS in the later-1940s.  They published the FAPAzine Moonshine, published in APA-L, and were founding members in the fanzine 5X5.  Len was one of the organizers of the 1958 Worldcon.  Len and June were co-founders of the Bouchercon, and were the 1973 TAFF Delegates.  They were Fan Guests of Honor at Loscon 8 (1981) and BoucherCon (1985), and recipient of the Evans-Freehafer Trophy (1994) and the Anthony Award (1999).  They are being honored as a couple for their tireless service to others over the course of their lifetimes.

The Sam Moskowitz Archive Award is presented for excellence in collecting.  This year, First Fandom recognizes the important scholarly work that has been done by Hal W. Hall while he was curator of the SF and Fantasy Research Collection of the Cushing Library at Texas A&M University.

Hal W. Hall

In 1970, Hall W. Hall started indexing SF and fantasy book reviews, ending that effort 25 years later with a bibliography of some 79,000 citations.  In the late-1970s, he started collecting citations to articles and books about SF and fantasy, first in book form and then online.  That material resides in the SF and Fantasy Research Database, now approaching 115,000 items.  In 2017, Hall published Sam Moskowitz: A Bibliography and Guide (221 pages, listing 1,489 items).

The Big Heart Award was presented by Sue Francis.

Hmm. If only someone had said, “Mike, you really shouldn’t miss Opening Ceremonies.”

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42 thoughts on “2018 First Fandom Awards and Big Heart Award

  1. I guess the Big Heart Award winner is a more closely-guarded secret than even the Nobel prize! Wouldn’t want that leaking out early…

    Congrats, Mike! This is lovely to hear 🙂

  2. Aw, congratulations, @Mike Glyer!!!

    BTW I’m a little surprised these awards were put into opening ceremonies instead of, say, the Retro Hugos.

  3. Good to see Len and June honored tonight.

    Oh, Mike? You should be at opening ceremonies tonight.

    Yeah, yeah, I know. Timing.

    Congrats, couldn’t go to a more deserving person!

  4. Congratulations to @OGH.

    I don’t think these belong with the Retro-Hugos, since they’re contemporary awards (not to mention the issues I have with the RHs, where I have none with these). But I’m not sure the OC is the place for them either; where have they been in past years? (Back when I was involved in ceremonies they were part of the Hugos — but that was a long time ago.)

  5. Congratulations!

    Here in 3997, our feline overlords have commissioned the building of a time machine for the express purpose of getting Mr Glyer to the opening ceremonies in San Jose (and to get treats).

  6. Congratulations!

    …and I am surprised that nobody thought to let you in on the secret. Those are the best surprise parties.

  7. Slightly belated* but nevertheless hearty congratulations, Mike. I regularly follow only 3 fandom blogs, and yours is the one I visit most frequently.

    (*Not attempting to follow Worldcon events in real time.)

  8. Pingback: Some Comments on the 1943 Retro Hugo Award Winners | Cora Buhlert

  9. Very belated indeed (I’m a long way behind on my reading), but my congratulations too. Well deserved and well done.

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