2018 TAFF Voting Stats

Johan Anglemark

The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund administrators have released the vote counts from this year’s race which saw Swedish fan Johan Anglemark selected as the TAFF delegate to Worldcon 76.

TAFF’s voting system requires each candidate to get at least 20% of the total first preference votes from both North America and the UK/Europe to advance. Here is the breakdown of the voting results by first preference:

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10 thoughts on “2018 TAFF Voting Stats

  1. I’m confused how five “rest of the world” votes appeared only in the second round. Is there a column missing in the first? The totals in the first round only include what is shown, though, and the total NA and Europe votes are the same in both rounds. Weird.

    (Am I an accountant? Do I add columns habitually? Why, yes! How did you guess?)

  2. I agree that a bit more explanation would have been useful! The administrators decided to include only votes relevant to the 20% rule in the first table. This rule requires candidates to get 20% or more of the votes in both the sending (Europe) and receiving (NA) regions. Rest of World votes don’t count here but do count towards the final win and thus appear in the second table. I’ll try to make things clearer when I update the TAFF site’s long page of past race details.

  3. Congratulations, Johan!

    Though I’m sad Fia won’t shower us all with Dill Crisps.

  4. Thanks! However, rumours that refuse to go away are insisting that Fia is strongly considering attending Worldcon 76 anyway! So those (overrated, bah) crisps might be poured on your head after all, provided you are coming yourself.

  5. Ultragotha, I will find you and shower you with dillchips if I do come over anyway. And there’s a strong possibility of that!

  6. Dill Chips, while tasty, don’t count as votes. That nice Mr. Langford has the Rest of the World vote count correct: we Administrators decided to include them on the second round due to the 20% rule, which applies only to North American and European votes.

    All in all, an exciting and fun race between three good people. I look forward to seeing Johan Real Soon Now.

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