2019 Derringer Awards

The Short Mystery Fiction Society announced the 2019 Derringer Awards on May 1.

For Best Flash Story (ranges up to 1,000 words)

  • “The Bicycle Thief” by James Blakey, The Norwegian American, Sept. 21, 2018

For Best Short Story (ranges from 1,001 to 4,000 words)

  • “Dying in Dokesville” by Alan Orloff, Malice Domestic 13: Mystery Most Geographical, Wildside Press, April 2018

For Best Long Story (ranges from 4,001 to 8,000 words)

  • “With My Eyes” by Leslie Budewitz, Suspense Magazine, January/February 2018

For Best Novelette (ranges from 8,001 to 20,000 words)

  • “The Cambodian Curse” by Gigi Pandian, Henery Press, October 2018

Also revealed was the organization’s lifetime achievement award:

The Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer for Lifetime Achievement

  • Doug Allyn

 [Thanks to Cora Buhlert for the story.]

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