2019 FAAn Awards

The 2019 FAAn Awards were presented today at Corflu FIAWOL in Rockville, Maryland. Here are the awards results posted on Facebook by convention chair Michael Dobson.


2019 FAAn Awards — Trophy for Best Fanzine

  • WINNER – Banana Wings (Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer)
  • 2nd Place – Trap Door (Robert Lichtman)
  • 3rd Place (tie) – Beam (Nic Farey and Ulrika O’Brien) and Ansible (Dave Langford)

Best Genzine

  • Banana Wings, eds. Claire Brialey and Mark Plummer

Best Personal Zine


  • Flag, ed. Andrew Hooper
  • Vibrator, ed. Graham Charnock

Best Newszine

  • Ansible, ed. David Langford

Best Apazine

  • Lofgeornost (Fred Lerner for FAPA)

Best Special Publication

  • Lake’s Folly, ed. Christina Lake


2019 FAAn Awards — Trophy for Best FanWriter

  • WINNER – Mark Plummer
  • 2nd Place – Andy Hooper
  • 3rd Place – Paul Skelton

Best Article (Fannish)

  • “Worldcon Kaleidoscope,” John-Henri Holmberg, Trap Door 34

Best Article (Sercon)

  • “Weisinger’s Worldcon,” Andy Hooper, Trap Door 34

Best Series or Column

  • Roadrunner, Mark Plummer

Harry Warner Letterhack Award

  • Paul Skelton


2019 FAAn Awards — Trophies for Best Fan Artist

  • WINNER – Alan White
  • 2nd Place – Ditmar
  • 3rd Place (tie) Brad Foster and Brian Parker


  • Steve Stiles


Best Cover (Illustration)

  • Brian Parker, BEAM #13

Best Cover (Design/Photography)

  • The Corflu 35 Bheer Tasting Guide, by Geri Sullivan

Best Illustrator (Fannish)

  • Steve Stiles

Best Photographer/Digital Artist

  • Ditmar (Dick Jensson)

Best Graphic Design

  • Pete Young for the White Notebooks



  • Bill Burns

Best Online Archive or Resource

  • FANAC.org

Best News/Information Resource

  • Ansible

Best Online Group or List

  • In the Bar (Harry Bell, Proprietor)


#1 Fan Face

  • Winner – Mark Plummer
  • 2nd Place – Dave Langford
  • 3rd Place – Claire Brialey

Services to the Hobby

  • Andy Hooper

Smooooth Operator

  • Spike

Award for Unrecognized Fan Achievement

  • Taral Wayne


  • Paul Skelton


  • Victor Gonzalez

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6 thoughts on “2019 FAAn Awards

  1. Boy, there sure are a lot of awards compared to those we on the original FAAn Awards Committee created.

    I think we had five or six categories?

    But award inflation apparently is mandatory for all awards.

  2. Michael Dobson decided on the award categories this year; John Purcell, next year’s convention chair, might well deflate the categories again. Suzle and I watched the banquet, with the awards being announced by Greg Benford. He made several jokes about giving awards to everyone present. (Of course, some of the winners were not actually there, so the jokes didn’t work as well as they might have.)

  3. Gary Farber: A couple categories have permanent winners, so this was one person’s solution to spreading the egoboo around. Can’t blame him for trying. (Well, some did, but you know fandom….)

  4. Michael accidentally missed one category in his Facebook listings:
    “Special Award for Online Achievement: eFanzines.com / Bill Burns”

    I am, of course, one of the perennial winners that Gary mentions: “Best Fan Website” every year since 2008 when the category was established. And every year, when I went up to collect my award, I would implore the banquet attendees to please also consider the other excellent fan websites, obviously without effect.
    This year, after I had some discussion with Michael, he decided to try something new. I wasn’t party to his conversation with Steve Stiles on the same topic, but here are Michael’s notes from the FAAn Awards ballot:

    “The big reason I ended up doing the FAAn Awards this year is that Steve Stiles and Bill Burns/efanzines.com were both uncomfortable with winning consistently for so many years, and suggested that a Special Award (followed by retirement from the category) would be an equitable solution. A number of people have objected to the idea of a special award, and so I’m putting the question to you, the voters.”

    Followed by these instructions under the Fan Art/Graphics and Online sections:

    “Special Award to Bill Burns/efanzines.com for Achievement in Online Fandom. See the discussion of the Special Award to Steve Stiles. If you believe that Bill Burns and efanzines.com should receive a special award for online achievement and henceforth not be eligible in that category, check YES.
    “If you vote YES, do not also vote for efanzines in the Best Online Achievement Category. If YES does not win, all YES votes will be counted as votes for efanzines in the Best Online Achievement category.
    “If you don’t believe the Special Award is the way to go, vote NO, and you’re then free to vote for efanzines.com or the website of your choice) for Best Online Achievement. Either way, you may also vote for efanzines.com under Best Online Archive or Resource.”

    Hope this provides some useful background on this year’s awards.

  5. Bill Burns: I wondered about that, because he double-posted the online awards results, but did not account for all the online categories on the ballot. (Do I have all the ones that were announced now?)

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