2019 Niels Klim Award

This year’s Niels Klim Award winners received their trophies in a ceremony at the annual Danish convention, Fantasticon, on September 22.

The winners are:

Translated works

  • “Børnehjemslederen” (“Clockwork Fagin”) by Cory Doctorow, (Damphammeren (Steampunch), Science Fiction Cirklen)


  • De ansatte (The Employees) by Olga Ravn, (Gyldendal)


  • “Krinoline og kedsomhed“ (“Crinoline and Boredom”) by Gudrun Østergaard, (Krinoline og kedsomhed, Science Fiction Cirklen)

Short story

  • “Verdensherredømme“ (“World Domination”) by Jakob Drud (Lige under overfladen 13: De fremmede (Just Below the Surface 13: The Strangers)), Science Fiction Cirklen
  • “Sortskørt“ (“Black Skirt”) by Kenneth Krabat (Lige under overfladen 13: De fremmede), Science Fiction Cirklen

The award is presented annually after nomination and voting among Danish science fiction readers. This was the eighth time the prize was given out.

The four categories cover shorter science fiction texts (less than 40,000 words) published in Danish for the first time the previous year.

Lise Andreasen of the Science Fiction Cirklen handles the award logistics, and her blog is the primary information source.

[Thanks to Lisa Andreasen for the story.]

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