2019 Silver Falchion Awards

The winners of the 2019 Silver Falchion awards were announced at the Killer Nashville Writers Conference in Franklin, Tennessee on August 24. The Silver Falchion award categories cover the spectrum of popular literature.

Here are the Silver Falchion winners of genre interest. The complete list is here.

Sci-fi, Fantasy, and Horror

  • Maggie Toussaint, Confound It


  • Julianne Lynch, Beneath the Lighthouse

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2 thoughts on “2019 Silver Falchion Awards

  1. Does anybody know anything about this group? The website claims to be “the premier forum for all genres incorporating mystery, thriller, and suspense” — but it identifies itself by a city name, suggesting more-local interest (cf many awards listed by @OGH that are explicitly for a writer or story set in a specific location/region/…). greater-greater-Boston catalogs have exactly one copy (in large print, at that) of Confound It, which was published by someone in mid-state Maine. I ask because I’ve found several interesting reads in the listings of winners, but it’s not clear this award was vigorously contested.

  2. On a quick look, it looks very commercial — authors purchase critiques by other authors or agents, and so on. Some of the awards are named after Nashville-area notables, like the Siegenthaler award. One of the “awards” is simply the winner of a contest to solve some sort of mystery puzzle set up by the conference.


    Based out of Franklin, if that makes a difference — a rich satellite of Nashville, rather than part of the publishing hub downtown.

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