2020 Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award

Yasmin McClinton

Sisters in Crime (SinC) announced the winner of the 2020 Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award:

  • Yasmin McClinton of Columbia, SC

The award, which honors the memory of pioneering African-American crime fiction author Eleanor Taylor Bland with a $2,000 grant to an emerging writer of color, was created in 2014 to support SinC’s vision statement that the organization should serve as the voice for excellence and diversity in crime writing. The grant is intended to help the recipient complete a debut or early-career work of crime fiction.

Eleanor Taylor Bland

For 2020, Sisters in Crime expanded the Eleanor Taylor Award to also provide funded memberships to the organization for five runners-up. These are Christina Dotson (Nashville, TN), Tony Hernandez (Phoenix, AZ), Robert Justice (Denver, CO), Raquel V. Reyes (Miami, FL) and Manju Soni (Mystic, CT).

“The Eleanor Taylor Bland Award was expanded to provide assistance to more than the single winner, so that more writers of color could benefit from the community support Sisters in Crime can give a beginning writer,” said national Sisters in Crime president Lori Rader-Day. “Because of our commitment to inclusion, we heard from some of our current members who wanted to help us make a difference.”

[Thanks to Cora Buhlert for the story.]

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One thought on “2020 Eleanor Taylor Bland Crime Fiction Writers of Color Award

  1. This would be better phrased as “The Eleanor Taylor Bland Award for Crime Writers of Colour”. I initially read the title as somewhat different to what was meant.

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