2020 FFANZ Open for Nominations

The Fan Fund of Australia and New Zealand (FFANZ) is accepting nominations for the 2020 race. This time around FFANZ will send an Australian fan to the 2020 World Science Fiction Convention, CoNZealand, being held July 29-August 2 in Wellington, NZ.

The full announcement follows the jump.


Nominations are now open for the 2020 Fan Fund of Australia and New Zealand (FFANZ).

FFANZ was created to strengthen ties between Australian and New Zealand fandom. This fan fund financially assists the winning FFANZ delegate with travel and associated costs to attend the Natcon of the other nation.

In 2020 FFANZ will send an Australian science fiction fan to the 2020 World Science Fiction Convention, CoNZealand, being held July 29-August 2 in Wellington, NZ

Prospective candidates have until 25th March, 2020 to file the documents required to nominate to run for the FFANZ ballot. Voting will run from 27 March, 2020 to 27 April, 2020

Candidates should file the following documents:

• A brief letter stating their intent to run for FFANZ 2020.
• A nominator and a seconder, preferably a nominator from Australia and a seconder from New Zealand.
• A 100 word or less platform statement specifying the candidate’s reasons for running and qualifications for becoming the 2020 FFANZ delegate.

The duties of the winning candidate will be as follows:

Travel to New Zealand to attend CoNZealand, the 78th World Science Fiction Convention, July 29-August 2, 2020.

• Get to know as many New Zealand Science Fiction fans as time will permit.
• Become the Australian FFANZ administrator until a replacement administrator is found. This normally happens when the administrator role is handed over to the succeeding New Zealand bound delegate (in 2022 if a race is run every year).
• Raise funds and contribute to a bank account to be used by the next Australian delegate(s) in 2022.
• Promote connections between Australian and New Zealand fandom by a trip report or other means.

Send required documents to:

Alan Stewart, [email protected] for Australian fans or [email protected] for New Zealand fans.

More information about being a fan fund delegate can be found at or http://ozfanfunds.com/ or on Facebook.

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