2020 Neffy Awards

George Phillies, President of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, editor of TNFF, and ballot counter, has announced the winners of the 2020 National Fantasy Fan Federation Speculative Fiction Awards, the Neffys,

Best Novel

  • Endgames by L. E. Modesitt, Jr.

Best Shorter Work

  • “By the Warmth of Their Calculus” by T. S. Buckell.

Best Fan Writer

  • Lloyd Penney

Best Anime

  • Astra: Lost in Space

Best Non-N3F Fanzine

  • Opuntia

Best N3F Fanzine:

  • Tightbeam

Best Fan Artist:

  • Jose Sanchez

Best Book Editor

  • Toni Weisskopf

Phillies said “No award” outcomes were omitted – probably in the three categories on the ballot for which no winner was named: TV Show, Cover Artist, Best Manga. He noted, “There were many more ‘No Award’ votes this year than there were last year.”

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One thought on “2020 Neffy Awards

  1. A pleasant surprise to be nominated, and a surprise to win. Thanks to all Neffers who participated.

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