2021 Endeavour Award Suspended

The Endeavour Committee says “with great reluctance” they have suspended the Award for books published during 2020.  The suspension means that the Award will not be given at this year’s OryCon.

Several reasons have led to the suspension.  The Covid 19 situation has made it more difficult to run their preliminary judging.  In addition to problems stemming from the pandemic, additional unspecified problems have contributed to the need to suspend the Award.

They say:

We expect to begin collecting books published during 2021 in early Fall, for the 2022 Award.  We are suspending the Award, not killing it.

Finally, if circumstances change and we are able revive the Award for books published during 2020, we will do so.

Full information on entering the Award is available on the Endeavour Web site: Endeavour website.

The Endeavour Award is sponsored by Oregon Science Fiction Conventions, Inc. (OSFCI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

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5 thoughts on “2021 Endeavour Award Suspended

  1. It’s a combination of a number of things that have ganged up together and made it impractical (if not impossible) to do right by the award this particular year.

    We’re all planning on the award resuming next year.

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