2021 Site Selection Confirms Washington DC

Washington D.C.’s unopposed bid to host the 2021 Worldcon was officially voted in this weekend at Dublin 2019. The name of the convention will be DisCon III. Bill Lawhorn and Colette H. Fozard are the co-chairs.

The committee announced their current guests are: Nancy Kress, Author GoH; Malka Older, Special Guest; Sheree Renée Thomas, Special Guest; Toni Weisskopf, Editor GoH; and Ben Yalow, Fan GoH.

Total valid votes: 878

DC in 2021 798
None of the Above 18
Miscellaneous write-ins 26
No Preference 36
Invalid ballots 2

The complete details (with all write-ins) are here [PDF file.]

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8 thoughts on “2021 Site Selection Confirms Washington DC

  1. Pingback: Dublin 2019 WSFS Business Meeting Day 3 | File 770

  2. Hmmmmmmm. You know, that’s vaguely within driving distance from me……. and it’s been, what, 35 years or so since I’ve been to a con…… Hmmmmmm……

  3. Gary: Thank you for your careful reading — I have added the titles now.

    I could only tell you what “special guest” would have meant at L.A.con III, which might not be relevant, so I’ll keep that in abeyance.

  4. @Gary Farber: IME, “Special Guest” often means “We think ‘Guest’ [no label] is usually an author; we think these other people are interesting and/or noteworthy for reasons we’re not going to try to compress into a word or two (e.g., ‘editor’, ‘artist’, ‘fan’).” IME, it’s often someone who is interesting/noteworthy for multiple reasons, one of which is often writing fiction. The easiest way to figure out what a specific convention means is probably to read what they say about the person in question — and even that may represent one person’s attempt to boil down hours of arguments on someone’s behalf.
    Having Weisskopf and Older on the same slate certainly covers a wide range of ~political opinion; it will be interesting to see whether convention programming has them face each other directly.

  5. I read the Visa information (My family came over before the Civil War so this was irrelevant to me) and found it so interesting which countries needed a Visa. But it looks like a vast majority of those wanting to go to the US for a Worldcon won’t have a problem. I hope people will still come even if the election in 2020 does not go the way they want it to.

  6. @Contrarius

    and it’s been, what, 35 years or so since I’ve been to a con……

    You up for a beer?* It’s a year away and I don’t know what the future holds. But I have interests in D.C. and might make the trip. And if Greg shows up, I might have two!

    Don’t expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong. – Calvin Coolidge

  7. @Dann —

    You up for a beer?* It’s a year away and I don’t know what the future holds. But I have interests in D.C. and might make the trip. And if Greg shows up, I might have two!

    Oh, definitely. If I do make it, I have hopes of many beers (and/or ciders and/or bourbons) being drunk!

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