2021 World Fantasy Awards Judges Announced

Peter Dennis Pautz, President of the World Fantasy Awards Association, today released the list of judges for the 2021 World Fantasy Awards, for work published in 2020.

The judges read and consider eligible materials received by June 1, 2021 — the earlier the better. Pautz explains, “If, for instance, something is received on May 31 the judges may well have only one day to read it before their deliberations conclude.  Anything received after June 1 will receive little or no consideration.”

2021 World Fantasy Awards Judges

  • Tobias Buckell, 312 West Elm Street; Bluffton, OH 45817; USA   

[email protected]

Prefers PDF, then HC

  • Siobhan Carroll, 1011 Kirk Avenue; Wilmington DE 19806; USA

[email protected] 

Prefers HC, then PDF

  • Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Suite 345 PO Box, Shoreham VIC 3916 AUSTRALIA [sic]

[email protected]

Prefers HC AND EPUB, then HC AND PDF

  • Brian Evenson, 26033 Moreno Drive; Valencia, CA 91355; USA

[email protected]

Prefers HC, then PDF and MOBI  

  • Patrick Swenson, 21528 104th Street Ct E.; Bonney Lake WA 98391; USA

[email protected]

Prefers HC greatly, then MOBI or EPUB if necessary

(Judges’ order of preference as listed above:  HC=Hard Copy; MOBI=Mobipocket ebook format; PDF=Portable Document Format)

So a comprehensive submission list may be kept, a copy should also go to:

Peter Dennis Pautz, President
World Fantasy Awards Association
3519 Glen Avenue
Palmer PA 18045-5812; USA
[email protected]

Send materials to be considered directly to the addresses above, and very importantly, please mark all packages as PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS – NOT FOR SALE OR RESALE – NO COMMERCIAL VALUE — WORLD FANTASY AWARDS MATERIALS.  The copy to Pautz ensures the judges have received eligible items, and that submissions are given fair attention.

Qualifications:  All books must have been published in 2020; magazines must have a 2020 cover date; only living persons are eligible.

Fantasy Types:  All forms of fantasy are eligible, e.g. high, epic, dark, contemporary, literary.

Categories:  Life Achievement; Best Novel; Best Novella (10,001 to 40,000 words); Best Short Story; Best Anthology; Best Collection; Best Artist; Special Award??Professional; Special Award??Non?Professional.

When submitting works shorter than novel length, please provide a word count for the judges’ benefit.

The nominees in the Life Achievement category will not be released, though the winners will be announced well before the awards banquet.

Questions concerning eligibility, the judges, and the awards administration may be sent to the administrator’s attention. Questions about the convention should be directed to Chair Diane Lacey at [email protected].

The awards will be presented at the convention, to be held Thursday, November 4 through Sunday, November 7, 2021, at the Hotel Bonaventure Montréal, 900 de la Gauchetière West, Montréal, Québec, H5A 1E4, Canada.

Currently, an attending membership costs $250US/320 CAD, which does not include the Awards Banquet, tickets for which must be purchased separately. Supporting memberships are $50/$70, resp.  Banquet tickets will be available in Summer 2021.  Information and forms can be found on the convention website: https://www.wfc2021.org/

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One thought on “2021 World Fantasy Awards Judges Announced

  1. So those of us who want our work to be judged fairly are going to have to mail four physical copies, including one to Australia?

    This is not the way to encourage less than socioeconomically privileged people to send their works to be judged. ]

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