2024 SFRA Awards

The Science Fiction Research Association announced the 2024 award winners at their annual conference in Tartu, Estonia.

Thomas D. Clareson Award for Distinguished Service

For outstanding service activities-promotion of SF teaching and study, editing, reviewing, editorial writing, publishing, organizing meetings, mentoring, and leadership in SF/fantasy organizations.

  • Jeffrey Weinstock

Innovative Research Award

Given to the writer or writers of the best critical essay-length work of the year.

  • Rebekah Sheldon for “Generativity without Reserve: Sterility Apocalypses and the Enclosure of Life-Itself” (Science Fiction Film and Television)

SFRA Award for Lifetime Contributions to SF Scholarship

  • Lisa Yaszek

SFRA Book Award

Given to the author of the best first scholarly monograph in SF, in each calendar year.

  • Mingwei Song, for Fear of Seeing: A Poetics of Chinese Science Fiction (Columbia University Press)

Mary Kay Bray Award

Given for the best review to appear in the SFRA Review in a given year.

  • David Welch, for “Hades” (SFRA Review 53.1)

Student Paper Award

Presented to the outstanding scholarly essay read at the annual conference of the SFRA by a student.

  • Vicky Brewster (Swansea University), for “Simulated Worlds and Digital Disruptions: Gothic Glitch in The Tenth Girl

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