Anthology Builder

Be your own Mike Resnick or Roger Elwood — which one depends on how good you are at picking over Anthology Builder’s inventory of previously published stories. After you’ve chosen, their print-on-demand service will publish one paperback copy and sell it to you for $14.95 plus shipping.

That’s it. Within 10 to 30 business days we’ll deliver a perfect-bound, 6×9 Trade Paperback to your door. Yes, a real, solid book like the ones at your local bookstore. It will look like this, except with a title and cover image of your choice.

Our fiction database contains reprints from well-established magazines such as Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Realms of Fantasy and many others. All of our fiction has been reviewed by an experienced editor, so you can trust that the stories that pique your interest have withstood the test of quality.

Authors who contract to let the site use their copyrighted stories receive a pro rata share of royalties based on word count. The minimum total royalty shared between all authors is $1.50 per anthology.

As an example, if the Work was included in a 70,000-word anthology, and the Work contained 7,000 words, the Author would receive $1.50 x 7000 / 70000 = $0.15 in royalties.

While I wonder how much interest there will be in buying paper copies of reprint sf and fantasy, there is such a limited after-market for short fiction that the authors can take the risk — any additional sales are found money.

[Thanks to Joy V. Smith for the link.]

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