Aussiecon 4 Rates Rise

The 2010 Worldcon, Aussiecon 4, will boost its membership rates on January 1, 2009.

Attending: A$ 210; US$ 175; CAN$ 185; GBP 100; Eur 120; Yen  16,000.
Supporting: A$ 70; US$ 50; CAN$ 50; GBP 25; Eur 35; Yen 4.900.

Converting to attending for supporting memberships purchased prior to January 1, 2009: A$ 150; US$ 130; CAN$ 135; GBP 80; Eur 90; Yen 12,000.

There are discounted rates for Pre-supporters and Friends, which can be obtained by contacting the membership divison: [email protected].

Cash, cheques in $A and $US, Visa and Mastercard accepted. All credit card charges will be processed in Australian dollars.

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