“Ask Lovecraft” on the Sad Puppies

If dead men tell no tales, why is Ask Lovecraft taking a crack at explaining “Sad Puppies”?

Lovecraft demurely claims, “We are happy not being at the center of the controversy for once.”

I’m sorry, my laughter is keeping me from pressing the “publish” button. But I better hurry. At the rate people are e-mailing me the link, there soon won’t be anybody left on the internet who hasn’t watched this wry video.

[Thanks to Nick Mamatas, Michael J. Walsh and Joseph Major for the link.]

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17 thoughts on ““Ask Lovecraft” on the Sad Puppies

  1. Ow, ow… my ribs!

    BTW – I’m confident that even if you are actually an angry wombat, this clip is not actionable as you are clearly satirical.

  2. “…Do not change anything about the character of the angry wombat, John C. Wright, he is perfect…..”

    As George Takai would say: “Ohh, Myy!”

  3. But this *does* explain why they couldn’t find any Nutty Nuggets: They were looking in the wrong aisle of the supermarket.

    They were looking in the breakfast cereal aisle, and all this time they should have been looking in the pet food aisle….

  4. I require professional wombat certification on that last claim. If only there was a known regular wombat who could assist…

    ::sorry, still laughing my arse off::

    ETA: Can we claim Haughty Kittens btw?

  5. Absolutely brilliant. That “other” Lovecraft would have approved, wholeheartedly. Not sure about Two-Gun Bob, though — I think he was a cookie man.

  6. Absolutely brilliant. That “other” Lovecraft would have approved, wholeheartedly. Not sure about Two-Gun Bob, though — I think he was a cookie man.

  7. He is, in all modesty, the perfect angry wombat, one of the angriest wombats wombatting today.

  8. HAHAHAHAHAHA……OMG thanks, that was wonderful. I will now explore other Ask Lovecraft eps (I presume it’s a series).

    Yours in God Stalk (no, I haven’t cracked it open yet). . . .

  9. Too funny. Just getting to it now. Thanks for giving it it’s own post or I never would have found it to hear it as I skipped during its posting in thread.

  10. Thanks, Joseph – I’m bookmarking this to watch a bunch later. Just watched the Galactus one ;-)….

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