Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2023 ToC Released

Series editor John Joseph Adams and guest editor R. F. Kuang have released their selections for the Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2023.

From the large number of stories that series editor John Joseph Adams screened for this year’s collection, he picked the 80 best pieces (forty science fiction and forty fantasy) to submit to editor R. F. Kuang for a blind reading, so that the prestige of the venues or author bylines were not a factor. (The ones Adams designated as notable are shown in a table at the link). Kuang then selected 20 for publication (ten science fiction, ten fantasy.)

The book will be released on October 17, 2023.

Here is the Table of Contents with the 20 stories they thought the best.


  • Readings in the Slantwise Sciences by Sofia Samatar
    from Conjunctions
  • Beginnings by Kristina Ten
    from Fantasy
  • The Six Deaths of the Saint by Alix E. Harrow
    from Into Shadow
  • Men, Women, and Chainsaws by Stephen Graham Jones
  • There Are No Monsters on Rancho Buenavista by Isabel Canas
    from Nightmare
  • White Water, Blue Ocean by Linda Raquel Nieves Pérez
    from Reclaim the Stars
  • Three Mothers Mountain by Nathan Ballingrud
    from Screams from the Dark
  • Pellargonia: A Letter to the Journal of Imaginary Anthropology by Theodora Goss
    from Lost Worlds & Mythological Kingdoms
  • In The Beginning of Me I Was A Bird by Maria Dong
    from Lightspeed
  • Folk Hero Motifs in Tales Told by the Dead by KT Bryski
    from Strange Horizons


  • Air to Shape Lungs by Shingai Njeri Kagunda
    from Africa Risen
  • Sparrows by Susan Palwick
    from Asimov’s
  • Termination Stories for the Cyberpunk Dystopia Protagonist by Isabel J. Kim
    from Clarkesworld
  • Rabbit Test by Samantha Mills
    from Uncanny
  • Murder by Pixel by S.L. Huang
    from Clarkesworld
  • The CRISPR Cookbook: A Guide to Biohacking Your Own Abortion in a Post-Roe World by MKRNYILGLD
    from Lightspeed
  • The Odyssey Problem by Chris Willrich
    from Clarkesworld
  • Pre-Simulation Consultation XF007867 by Kim Fu
    from Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century
  • The Difference Between Love and Time by Catherynne M. Valente
    from Someone in Time
  • Cumulative Ethical Guidelines by Malka Older
    from Bridge to Elsewhere

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