Bradbury’s Moby Dick Script

Moby Dick script dustjacket

It’s a huge week for Ray Bradbury fans. On top of his poetry award, his screenplay for the movie Moby Dick has been published by the Subterranean Press.

Steven H. Silver has a fine review posted on the SF Site.

Or if you’d like to hear about the script from Bradbury himself, YouTube can fix you up.

[Thanks to John King Tarpinian for the image.]

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One thought on “Bradbury’s Moby Dick Script

  1. I recall reading once that Bradbury had, in the early 60s, published a poetical retelling of “Moby Dick” as a pastiche of “Casey at the Bat” – or perhaps I’ve misremembered it? But it was hard to find and had never been reprinted. That I would like to see.

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