Carol Kabakjian (1954-2014)

Carol Kabakjian, long-time member of the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society, passed away May 15 at the age of 59. She spent the last months of her life in hospice care after a four-and-a-half year battle with cancer.

Carol served as PSFS club Secretary (teamed with her husband Rich) and Archivist for a number of years. She worked on Philcons and ran the Con Suite for the Philadelphia Worldcon, Millennium Philcon, in 2001.

Filksinging was her greatest enthusiasm. She wrote many songs, and published a filk fanzine – The Philly Philk Phlash. And having been inspired by attending the 1988 ConChord, she decided to organize an East Coast filk convention. The first ConCerto was held in 1990 in Cherry Hill, NJ.

Carol is survived by her husband, Rich Kabakjian.

[Source: PSFS News.]

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