Cats Sleep on SFF: Cat Pictures Please & To Say Nothing of the Dog

Beth in MA sends two photos of Minnie:

  • Wide awake beside Naomi Kritzer’s Cat Pictures Please and Other Stories

  • And snoozed out atop Connie Willis’ novel To Say Nothing of the Dog —

Photos of other felines napping on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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11 thoughts on “Cats Sleep on SFF: Cat Pictures Please & To Say Nothing of the Dog

  1. Heh. If you ever collate these on a single page, Mike, that one on top should definitely be the header.

  2. Minnie is such a sweetheart, but did get a little annoyed with the photography. That’s why she’s awake in the Cat Pictures, Please photo.

    She’s very purry and lovey in the mornings, unless it is before breakfast, and then she is very demanding!

  3. That is a pretty good ‘there better be a treat at the end of this nonsense’ expression in the first pic.

    I heard that if you start as a kitten only feeding them in the evenings they leave you alone in the mornings, advice I received too late. Luckily my girl just vocally reminds me that it’s morning while previous cats have found more expressive ways to show their demand.

  4. Sometimes if she thinks I’m not getting up to feed her breakfast quickly enough, she puts her paw on my face. I have to wonder if she is checking to make sure I’m still alive.

    Also, she has caught mice! Though I’m hoping we don’t have any more mice to catch…

  5. After considerable time, we’ve trained Dante that Breakfast Doesn’t Happen Until The Alarm Goes Off. (Sometimes, this means lying in bed gritting your teeth while your bladder is screaming at you, mind you, because Getting Up means Getting The Cat His Breakfast.)

    The upside is that in the middle of summer he doesn’t try to get breakfast at 4:00 am when it’s starting to get light out. The downside is that the alarm MUST go off at the same time (6:00 am) every single day, including weekends and holidays.

  6. @Beth in MA: Great photos! The second’s my favorite because it looks like the cat truly is curling up with a good book (and catching Z’s, of course).

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