Cats Sleep on SFF: Charles de Lint

Charles de Lint gave us the green light to share Joey’s first birthday photo. The pup’s celebration included a visit to MaryAnn Harris in the hospital. Be sure to check out the Harris – de Lint Recovery Gofundme and Charles’ new Patreon.

Joey turned one today–only three days after the birthday of his namesake Joe Strummer who would have turned seventy. For his birthday he got a spa day (that was inadvertent; I made the appointment months ago) and then a visit with MaryAnn at the hospital. He loves to sprawl on her whether she’s in her chair or in bed and make sure her face is really clean which makes her laugh.

Photos of your felines (or whatever you’ve got!) resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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4 thoughts on “Cats Sleep on SFF: Charles de Lint

  1. His predecessor, Johnny, was named after Johnny Cash and lived well into his second decade. If I remember correctly, he passed on just some months before they got Joey.

    He was a truly wonderful canine from all that Charles told me about him.

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