Cats Sleep on SFF: The End of All Things

Katrina Templeton introduces us to a rare cat who really is sleeping on sff:

This is Winter. Poor boy isn’t doing so well right now, so I grabbed a random book from my room and tucked it under him. I really hope, now that I look at it, that it doesn’t turn out to be apropos. We could use all the best wishes and help we can get right now.

There is a “Winter Needs Help!” GoFundMe active right now. Check it out.

Photos of your felines (or whatever you’ve got!) resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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6 thoughts on “Cats Sleep on SFF: The End of All Things

  1. Aw, what a sweetie. Glad to read on the GFM that he’s doing a little better.

  2. He just turned six at the beginning of the month. And I’m glad to report that we seem to have dodged a bullet in regards to his kidneys and, other than really hating me stabbing him with a needle and then having to hold still for ten minutes while we get fluids in him, he seems to be doing so much better. We’re still not out of the woods — he could still block again and enter hospital time — but I am feeling way more optimistic than I was Tuesday when I sent Mike the photo.

  3. Also, there is a fanzine I wrote at the same time I sent the photo to Mike, so it’s got the same feelings, but it tells some of Winter’s story and has more photos of him (and his mustache! He has one, but the poor boy was so sick he didn’t really look at me.)

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