Cats Sleep on SFF: The Spire

Enjoy the sight of Hampus Eckerman’s cat Vlad sleeping on The Spire.

Photos of other felines napping on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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13 thoughts on “Cats Sleep on SFF: The Spire

  1. Does Vlad have big fangs, by chance? Very handsome!

    Vlad was one of many nicknames of my late cat Shadow, who had prominent fangs in his youth, before bad teeth got to him. He was a black cat, so they were extremely visible.

  2. Out of Interest, is the normal technique to leave a book around until a credential kips on it, or to sneak in and wedge a book under a sleeping credential’s head?
    It took me about four days to get a shot of one of our cats by the first method, and the others don’t sleep in such predictable places.

  3. First time, I cheated and wedged a book under the head of Vlad. This time, he actually fell asleep on it by himself.

  4. @NickPheas: I picture you (er, I don’t know you, so I picture a generic human figure) going around a house, leaving books in likely places and lieing in wait for the poor, sleepy, unsuspecting feline to decide it looks comfortable enough. 😛

    It’s a trap, kitty-cats – run away! 😉

  5. I find that merely sitting and reading a book — whether a paper version, or an e-book — is generally sufficient to get at least one SJW Credential planting itself on the offending object which is unrightfully pre-empting the attention of their servant.

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