Comic Fans Support Faber Family

The comics community is known for its generosity, and this holiday season is pouring out support for one of their own. A Publishers Weekly blog reports:

Inker Andy Owens has donated a page from Buffy #11 to held raise funds for the Faber family. ‘Rich [Faber] is a well-known comic book inker and co-creator of the indy superhero series Buzzboy. His wife Traci is battling Stage 4 metastic melanoma’ and they need all the help they can get to ‘pay for costly cancer treatments for Traci.’ All proceeds from the auction will go to the family.

David Klaus checked the eBay auctions and says they offer “not just Buffy art, but also art by Paco Diaz (the Flash), George Tuska (Iron Man), Andy Kuhn (the Joker), Tim Bradstreet (the Punisher), Ethan van Sciver (Batman), and Paolo Rivera (Wolverine).”

And as Drew Geraci points out:

If you get outbid on your favorite items, you can always purchase art from Rich Faber himself at: – Homepage of Rich Faber, Illustrator; – Online Illustration Journal; – Homepage of Roboy Red, Thermonuclear-Powered Boy Robot Fun!

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