CoNZealand Assumes Role as Next Worldcon

With Dublin 2019 – An Irish Worldcon ending its five-day run, CoNZealand has picked up the reins as host of the next World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon).

CoNZealand will be the 78th Worldcon and will take place from Wednesday, July 29 to Sunday, August 2, 2020. Guests of Honour are the authors Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon, New Zealand artist Greg Broadmore, and fandom star Rose Mitchell. George R.R. Martin, a longtime friend of Worldcon, will be Toastmaster.

New Zealand is the second southern hemisphere country ever to host a Worldcon, following Australia, where four Worldcons have taken place. New Zealand’s own National Science Fiction Convention has been running since 1979, and the country has attracted significant fan tourism since the release of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films, which were filmed and produced in New Zealand.

“We’re excited to be able to bring one of the world’s most important science fiction conventions to New Zealand fans, and bring the international science fiction community to Middle Earth,” said CoNZealand Co-Chairs Norman Cates and Kelly Buehler.

Dublin 2019 sold out, with more than 5,800 members attending and more than 7,380 memberships sold in total including supporters. In addition, more than 500 day passes were sold.
“It has been a thrill to welcome fans to Ireland and I want to thank everyone who contributed to the experience,” said Dublin 2019 chairman James Bacon. “That includes programme participants, volunteers, and all the members, as well as venue staff. We wish CoNZealand every success with New Zealand’s debut Worldcon.”

[Based on a press release.]

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4 thoughts on “CoNZealand Assumes Role as Next Worldcon

  1. I have a supporting to NZ. I wonder about their space also. I remember going to a fannish inquisition and thinking that their site was pretty small. Beautiful country though. If you go, see both islands. See LOTR filming sites. etc.

  2. Apropos of nothing in particular.. it’s called CamelCase when there is one capital letter in the middle of the word. Is this name Bactrian case…?

    I’ll see myself out.

  3. @Linda Robinett: I think the space will be more than adequate, given the concom’s (realistic) assessment that there will be only 2,000 attendees.

    I’ve attended two of the NZ natcons (Au Contraire in 2010 and Au Contraire II in 2013), both at the Quality Hotel and related/adjoining CQ Hotel on Wellington’s most appealing downtown street, Cuba Street, most of which is a pedestrian mall. The 2010 con had 230 attendees including about 60-70 of us dodgy foreigners, taking advantage of the artfully scheduling on weekend before Aussiecon 4. 230 of us was actually a high-water mark for NZ fandom, but it was an excellent fit for the venue. IIRC, the 2013 one had about the same attendance, and the same delightful cozy and homespun appeal.

    2,000 people cannot even remotely work in that space, however, which is why CoNZealand is slated for some larger facilities down near the waterfront.

    It’s indeed a beautiful country, worth spending some adjoining days exploring (if nothing else, Rotorua and Lake Taupo in North Island). Expect Wellington itself to be frequently very windy, rainy, and a bit cold during the con. The windiness comes automatically in consequence of the city’s location right next to the Cook Strait between the islands: The wind just blasts through there.

    I wouldn’t miss it. Just expect to be well washed and blow-dried.

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