CoNZealand Hugo Voter Packet Available

The Hugo Voter Packet for the 2020 Hugo Awards has been released by the CoNZealand committee and is now available for download.

All supporting and attending members of CoNZealand can download the packet by visiting the Members’ Area of the website and logging in:

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62 thoughts on “CoNZealand Hugo Voter Packet Available

  1. @Laura: So if I read your list correctly, since I don’t have a Kindle (I use the Kindle app on my phone), the NetGalley process isn’t going to work for me (which explains why it didn’t work for me last year). Oh, well. Still plenty of other stuff to read.

  2. Andrew, there are versions of Adobe Digital Editions for iOS and Android. If you install that on your phone, you can access the EPUB versions of the books from NetGalley.

  3. @Andrew

    If you’re using the official kindle app it should still have its own email address and be usable – the instructions for finding it are here. I’ve sent Net Galley files to iOS devices. It isn’t Kindle-the-device exclusive. Just need to remember to tell Amazon that Net Galley’s allowed to send you things. (I missed that step at first and it just doesn’t work without it.)

  4. @Andrew, I downloaded both epubs and (if I recall correctly) .pdfs from NetGalley; I don’t recall anything there being Kindle-only.

    Also, if you download Calibre, you can read any major e-book format in it.

  5. @Andrew
    I’ve updated my post. I wasn’t aware the Kindle mobile apps could also receive the “send to Kindle” files. Someone let me know in the comments to my post.

    For the two Lodestar finalists with NetGalley links (Deeplight and Riverland), I’d still stick with the other option. Those are PDFs instead of EPUB, and the conversion to the Kindle format doesn’t work well. All the other ones are EPUBs and look pretty much the same.

    @Cassy B.
    The NetGalley files provided in the packet are all DRM protected. So you won’t be able to read them in calibre without some help from Apprentice Alf. 🙂

  6. @Laura, fortunately, Alf is a hardworking Apprentice, and very good at his job.

    I do not trust corporate cloud storage for my ebooks. I was an early adopter of ebooks; I had a Sony ereader which I still think was one of the best designed readers on the market, and I saw what happened when Sony decided to shut down their ebook division. I remember when Amazon deleted copies of 1984 and Animal Farm remotely from customer’s ereaders without notice. I’ve seen ebook formats (anyone remember .litf?) be discontinued and become unsupported. I detest piracy and pirates, but I want my books, which I have paid for, stored on my own physical media which I control, so that I am not dependent on some corporation maintaining my library for me, and so that I can convert obsolete formats into current ones as the need develops. (Why, yes, I do maintain backups. Speaking of which, it’s past time for me to backup my library again, given that I have a bunch of new Hugo material just added…)

  7. @Cassy B.
    I wholeheartedly agree. Hate piracy, but strongly believe in “future-proofing” ebooks you own. I got the original Nook when it first came out and have had various ereaders ever since. I had ebooks from the Sony store and other now defunct ebookstores, not all of which transferred over to Kobo. Luckily I was already acquainted with Alf. 😉

  8. @Cassy B: Hey, I had a Sony, too. I lost a few books when they went out of business (but most transferred to Kobo). Since then, I’ve been buying only DRM-free books.

    @All: Netgalley worked fine. Sometimes I get unnecessarily nervous about a multistep computer process that threatens to a) take a long time, and b) not work after all – but this didn’t turn out to be a problem at all.

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