Copies of Uncle Albert’s Are Surfacing

Two fans have already responded to Leah Zeldes’ plea to help preserve copies of Larry Tucker’s audio and video fanzines. Mike Griffin and Jim Meadows have volunteered to let copies be dubbed from their cassettes of a couple issues of Uncle Albert’s Electric Talking Fanzine. More are needed to fill in a set.

Meadows says he has been making good use of his copies as a fanhistorical resource all along —  

I work as a reporter at a public radio station in Illinois (WILL at the University of Illinois in Urbana). A few years ago, when Bob Tucker died, I did a feature story on his death, noting his status as a local author (the Bloomington-Normal area, where he lived for many years, is just one county over from us). I also attempted to sketch in Bob’s reputation in the sf fan community, and used an excerpt of Tucker giving a convention speech that appeared in Larry Tucker’s cassette zine. Much later, maybe a couple of years, I got an email from a son of Bob Tucker (maybe David Tucker?) asking about that speech. I dubbed off the speech and emailed it to him, and he expressed thanks for being able to hear his father’s voice again.

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2 thoughts on “Copies of Uncle Albert’s Are Surfacing

  1. I also heard from Joel Zakem, who has Uncle Albert’s Video Fanzine nos. 1-6 (which is likely all there were), and a tape Larry did in tribute to Verna Trestrail. What’s needed now are people to do the digitizing of the audio cassettes and VHS tapes. Steven Silver, who did it for “Faans,” says his machine is out of order.

  2. I guess I was not clear in my email to Leah. I have six issues of Uncle Albert’s audio, not video, fanzine (in addition to the Trestrail tribute video).

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