Corflu Silver D-Day, H-Hour Almost Here

Peter Sullivan reminds people who want to be at Corflu but can’t that they may be able to find updates about the con at the Corflu LiveJournal community. There’s also going to be a video feed/chatroom at

The Program Book is online. The Corflu Silver Kick-off Party starts tonight (Thursday, 4/24) at 7 p.m. in the consuite. It’s also the Vegrants’ meeting.

Things continue informally all day Friday — in the consuites, out hiking with Ken Forman, and in the meeting room. The Official Opening takes place in the Turf Club at 7 p.m. Although the lure of Vegas ought to be enough to keep fans up late, Marty Cantor’s Chocolate Fantasy at Midnight in the Main Consuite will make sure everybody’s sugared and caffinated far into the night…

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