Daniel Dern’s Friday Dublin 2019 Photos

Roving photographer Daniel Dern found these shots of interest on Friday at Dublin 2019.

Panel, Writing Outside Western Expectations

Georgina Kamsika, Beth Meacham, Joey Yu, Regina Kanyu Wang

Georgina Kamsika, Beth Meacham, Joey Yu, Regina Kanyu Wang

The rest of the gallery follows the jump.

Alas, due to construction, no Duck Shepherds Pie available last night

Chris Garcia — Still Mowing Peggy Rae’s Lawn

Andrew Trembley, Cheryl Morgan, Kevin Roche

Andrew Trembley, Cheryl Morgan, Kevin Roche

Linda Rindlisbacher (Basel, Switzerland)

Stephen Cass

Kev McVeigh, Geoff Ryman, Judith Hanna

Derek Künsken, author of The Quantum Magician

Crowded queues for next sessions

Reflective Hall Costume – Jim Tigar

Warhoon 28 being hawked by Geri Sullivan

Teresa Nielsen Hayden

Royal Manticores

Kevin Mortimer and Maniac

Sheila Williams, Charlie Stross

Sign for Martin Hoare’s Bar

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One thought on “Daniel Dern’s Friday Dublin 2019 Photos

  1. So how does “construction” interfere with the existence of duck shepherd’s pie? Were they catching wild ducks in an area where construction started?

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