Datclave Redux

One more sign of the Millennium? The Washington Science Fiction Association now holds Datclave more often than Disclave. Yes, Datclave II is about to take place.

The very first Datclave was held Leap Year weekend of 1980 according to a club rule that a con be held whenever there is a fifth Friday in the month of February. This only happens once every 28 years. However, the club stopped holding Disclave, its big Memorial Day convention, in 1997. (WSFA now sponosrs Capclave in the fall.) That’s why the proverbial turtle is going to win this race.

The fellow who chaired the first Datclave, Kent Bloom, claims a prior conrunning commitment this year, so Bob McIntosh has been pressed into service. Datclave II will be, as the flyer says, “the Washington D.C. Relaxacon with the Gettysburg Address.” They’ll hold it at the Hotel Gettysburg on Lincoln Square, February 29-March 2, 2008. For membership information, visit the club website.

Update 3/4/08: Corrected name of chairman.

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2 thoughts on “Datclave Redux

  1. Actually Bob MacIntosh was the chair, not me. We had about 40-45 people including Kent Bloom who chaired the first Datclave. The highlight for many was the tour of the Gettysburg battlefield conducted by WSFA’s own military historians Bob MacIntosh and Lee Strong.

    As for Datclave ever catching up to Disclave, the turtle will eventually catch up yes, but I believe there were 44 Disclaves. We hold Datclave every 28 years so that means catching up in the year 3184 (or maybe 3212 depending on whether 2400 is a leap year or not). Unless of course the singularity happens first. So I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    Of course, by then Capclave (www.capclave.org) will have long since won the race, so come join our GOHs James Morrow and Michael Dirda at Capclave on October 17-19, 2008

  2. Thanks for the tip on the correct chairman, and the snapshot of the con. I envy everyone who participated in the fan-conducted battlefield tour.

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