FAAn Voting is Open

Fan Achievement Award ballots are due in Murray Moore’s hands one month from today, February 23. The FAAns are a way we can all give thanks and egoboo to our favorite fanwriters, artists and publishers. And it’s easy to vote. Download the PDF ballot, fill it out and return it to Murray (via e-mail or paper mail). There will be no votes accepted at Corflu this year, so do it now while you’re thinking about it.

The final standings will be announced in Las Vegas on April 27 at the Corflu Silver banquet. The first-place finishers in each category will receive certificates drawn for the occasion by Brad Foster. (Won’t they be beautiful?) 

Murray tells voters: “Don’t worry about filling in every blank… Fill out as much of the voting form as makes you comfortable and send it in the usual manner. A partially complete ballot is definitely better than a blank one.”

It says on the ballot that Steve Stiles has removed himself from the Best Fan Artist category. Also, voting is open to anyone, but the administrator, Murray, has the right to ask for credentials from fans previously unknown to him. I’m going to ask Sierra to vouch for me — she’s been a fan her whole life!

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